The Accademia di Medicina di Torino in Turin (via Po, 18) is one of the oldest Italian medical societies. It was founded in 1846, when "King Carlo Alberto, through a Royal Proclamation in accordance with the formula in use in the Sardinian States, awarded the title of Royal Medical-Surgical Academy of Turin to the pre-existent medical-surgical Society"1.
Main promoter and first President of the Royal Academy was surgeon and professor Alessandro Riberi whose bust stands on a marble pillar in the center of the entrance hall of the Accademia. After Riberi, many renowned physicians - such as Michele Lessona, Giulio Bizzozero, Angelo Mosso, Cesare Lombroso, etc. - have been chairmen of the Turin's Academy: their names are engraved on the wooden portal leading to the Academy's assembly hall.
- Photos by ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#ihgroB acuL (June 2010), courtesy of Prof. Alberto Angeli, President of the Accademia di Medicina.
- Locate the item on this Google Map
In the beautiful rooms of the Academy, many relevant medical memories are preserved, such as:
- Alessandro Riberi's Bust
- Angelo Mosso's Ergograph
- Antonio Carle's bust
- Giulio Bizzozero's Histological Drawings
- Ettore Massenti - Alessandro Bargoni, Centocinquanta Anni della Accademia di Medicina di Torino, Supplemento al Giornale della Accademia di Medicina di Torino, 1996, pp.51