Achille Mario Dogliotti's tomb
Italian surgeon Achille Mario Dogliotti is buried in a very simple tomb in one of the Meritorious people arches inside the Monumental Cemetery of Turin (1st extension, Arch 166). The Italian inscription reads as follows: "ACHILLE MARIO DOGLIOTTI / MAESTRO DI FAMA INTERNAZIONALE / PIONIERE DELLA PIU' ALTA CHIRURGIA / VOLSE LA SCINTILLA DIVINA DEL GENIO / IN ALTEZZA DI DOTTRINA IN FERVORE D'OPERE / IN APOSTOLATO DI CARITA' / A SOLLIEVO DELLE SOFFERENZE UMANE / LA CITTA' DI TORINO / 1897 1966".
- Photo by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (June 2010)
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