Aleksandr Vassilievich Vishnevsky

This page lists items in the database related to Russian surgeon Aleksandr Vassilievich Vishnevsky (b. Dagestan, Russia, 23 August 1847; d. Moscow, Russia, 13 November 1948):

Vishnevsky graduated in 1899 from the Medical School of Kazan University and in November of 1903 defended his doctoral dissertation.
In 1914-1925 he was in charge of a field army surgical clinic and in 1926-1934 he headed the Kazan University Surgical Clinic of the Medical School. In 1934 he was appointed Head of the Surgical Clinic of the Central Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Director of All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine. In 1946 he became Director of the Institute of Surgery at the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Vishnevsky’s field of research was surgery of biliary and urinary tracts, thoracic cavity, neurosurgery, military surgery and purulent surgery. He developed the most popular method of anesthesia – that of procaine block. A year before his death he founded Moscow Institute of Surgery at the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and since 1948 this organization has born his name.
In his works Dr. Vishnevsky:

  • suggested an original drainage method for biliary tract operations
  • developed local squirt-and-cut anesthesia
  • developed local anesthesia and procaine blockades

Main text by Maria Tutorskaya (November 2016)

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