Alexander Fleming memorial

On the 3rd of June, 1948, Alexander Fleming gave a lecture in the 18th century anatomical theatre of the Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya of Barcelona. After a few years, a marble bust of the scientist was placed in a niche with a fountain on a rear wall of the Academia (Jardins del Doctor Fleming) and for a long time it was probably the monument of the city adorned with more fresh flowers1. Over the top of the bust there is a tablet with this simple Spanish inscription: "BARCELONA / A SIR / ALEXANDER FLEMING".


Near the bust there are two quite peculiar memorial tablets. The first is by the firefighters of the town and was placed in 1955,…


… and the second is by the employees of Barcelona's slaughterhouse and was placed in 1966.


Now (september 2011) this memorial area is in the midst of a construction site.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (September 2011)

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