Alfonso Corti's monument
Among the Medical monuments and memories in the University central seat, in Pavia, we can find a marble monument of Alfonso Corti who started his medical studies in this University in 1841.
The Italian inscription, under the scientist's bust, reads as follows: "IN QUESTO ATENEO / INIZIO' I SUOI STUDII / ALFONSO CORTI / CHE / DALLE GENIALI SCOPERTE / SU L'ORGANO DELL'UDITO / EBBE FAMA IMMORTALE / DI ANATOMICO / E / DI ISTOLOGO INSIGNE / 1822 1876". On the marble frame of the monument, we can also read: "AL PADRE AMATISSIMO / GASPARE CORTI P. / CON GRATITUDINE FILIALE".
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l# | (March 2008)
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- More info at "Pellegrini del sapere" website