French military doctor, parasitologist and tropical medicine pioneer Alphonse Laveran is buried with his mother Louise Laveran, in a very simple tomb of the Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris. The tomb's location inside the cemetery is: 17th Division, Line 10 East, 2nd Tomb South. Laveran's studies and the discovery of the malaria-causing protozoa parasite, led him to win the first French Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1907.
Louise Laveran née Guénard de la Tour, 1821-1900 ; Docteur A. Laveran, Membre de l'Institut et de l'Académie de Médecine, 1845-1922. Translation: Louise Laveran born Guénard de la Tour, 1821-1900 ; Doctor A. Laveran, Member of the "Institut" and the "Académie" of Medicine, 1845-1900
En Souvenir du Centenaire de la Découverte de l'Hématozoaire, La Société de Pathologie Exotique; Translation: In Remembrance of the Century of the Haematozoa's Discovery, The Exotic Pathology Society
- Photos by Camillo Belkadi ti.orebil|idakleb.ollimac#| (2014)
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