Andrea Verga's tomb

A rather wretched and dirty1 tomb in the East wing of the Crypt of the Famedio (Hall of Fame) in the Monumental Cemetery of Milan contains the remains of Andrea Verga.

The tomb can be found just below the one of the astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli and by the side of the one of the surgeon Giovan Battista Monteggia.

On the gravestone can be read the following inscription: "ANDREA VERGA / SENATORE DEL REGNO / GLORIA DELLA SCIENZA ANATOMICA E PSICHIATRICA / TREVIGLIO 1811 MILANO 1895".

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (February 2008)


- G.Ginex - O.Selvafolta, Il Cimitero Monumentale di Milano. Guida storico-artistica, Silvana Editoriale, Milano 1996, p. 199.

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