The Temple, dedicated to Asclepius, the roman god of medicine, is located in Elea-Velia, an ancient city of Magna Grecia. The acropolis is situated close to the Tyrrhenian coast, in a hill zone nearby Ascea, where one could still find the ancient site. The Temple serves the memories of an old medical school, which goes back to Parmenides, whose evidence are still there. The archeological site also presents ancient marble statues and inscriptions, which are stored in a depository nearby.
Frontal view
South-Ovest Side

South Side
- Photos and main text by Antonio Todisco ti.supmacla|ocsidot.oinotna#| (January 2015)
- Photos published under concession n.63/2014 by the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo - Soprintendeza per i Beni Archeologici di SA, AV, BN e CE
- Locate the item on this Google Map
- Related items: Archeological finds in Velia's old Temple of Asclepius
- Fritz Krinzinger e Giuliana Tocco Sciarelli (a cura di), Neue Forschungen in Velia. Akten des Kongresses "La Ricerca Archeologica a Velia", (Rom, 1.-2. Juli 1993), 2 voll., veranst. vom Historischen Institut beim Österreichischen Kulturinstitut in Rom und von der Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Salerno, Avellino e Benevento, 1999