Augusto Murri's birthplace
Augusto Murri was born in this house of Fermo (via Garibaldi, 19) on the 7th of September, 1841.
On the wall plaque we read the following Italian inscription: "AUGUSTO MURRI / MASSIMO FRA I CLINICI MEDICI DEL SUO TEMPO / SCIENZIATO E UMANISTA / IN QUESTA CASA NACQUE IL 7 SETTEMBRE 1841 / I CITTADINI GLI SCOLARI I MEDICI D'ITALIA / NEL CENTENARIO DELLA NASCITA NE VOLLERO QUI RICORDATO IL NOME" (Augusto Murri / The greatest amongst clinical doctors of his time / Scientist and Humanist / was born in this house on the 7th of September 1841 / The citizens, the scholars, the doctors of Italy / In the centennial of his birth / Wanted hereby to remember his name).
- Photos by Marco Mariani ti.supmacla|inairam.ocram#| (December 2009)
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