Belgian Museum of Radiology

The Belgian Museum of Radiology in Brussels (Military Hospital Queen Astrid, Bruynstreet 2) has been created in 1990 by a bunch of volunteers leaded by Prof. René Van Tiggelen who has been its managing director since then.

"The Museum is set up in the waiting rooms of the military hospital department of medical imaging. Patients waiting for their exams but also the general public are invited to survey a century of medical discoveries"1. The collection, including some radiological instruments and materials, a diorama and more than a hundred wall posters, helps to discover the history of radiology from the time of Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen and the other pioneers of X-rays to the most recent developments of this discipline.

Recently the neuroradiology section of the Museum has been integrated into the permanent collections of the psychiatric Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent. As a matter of fact, the most ancient and important radiological instruments of the Belgian collection - also due to their big dimensions - are already displayed (or will soon be) in Gand's section.

On November 18, 2017, a new Historical Room has been inaugurated. You can find a short film (3’) about the presentation of this room here and a photo shoot of this new museum setup here.

More informations on the Museum's official website.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2009), courtesy of Prof. René Van Tiggelen.


- R.Van Tiggelen, A Transparent Skull. An Illustrated History of Neuroradiology, Memogrames, Bruxelles 2007, pp. 235.
- R.Van Tiggelen, Le passe (X) (re) compose. Une aventure scientifique revit au Musée belge de Radiologie, Belgian Museum of Radiology, Brussels s.d., pp. 46.

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