Cajal and Ochoa memories

Along the entrance corridor of the current seat of the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Navarra in Pamplona a memorial plaque and a bronze bust of Santiago Ramon y Cajal can be seen.

The memorial plaque was unveiled on the 23rd of February 1991 by Nobel Prize winner Severo Ochoa as stated by the Spanish inscription: "LOS MEDICOS DE NAVARRA / EN MEMORIA DE / D.SANTIAGO RAMON Y CAJAL / MEDICO Y PREMIO NOBEL / DESCUBRIO ESTA PLACA / D.SEVERO OCHOA DE ALBORNOZ / MEDICO Y PREMIO NOBEL / PAMPLONA 23 DE FEBRERO DE 1991".

The bronze bust of Cajal is a 2004 work by Spanish sculptor Baltasar Soteras Elia.

  • Photos by ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#ihgroB acuL (May 2010)

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