Camillo Golgi's statue

A marble statue, in a yard of the old buildings of the University of Pavia, at N.65 of the central “Strada Nuova”, is dedicated to the great italian scientist and Nobel Prize (1906) for Medicine, Camillo Golgi. On the basament, there is the following inscription in Italian language: "Camillo Golgi / patologo sommo / della scienza istologica / antesignano e maestro / la segreta struttura / del tessuto nervoso / con intenta vigilia / sorprese e descrisse / qui operò / qui vive / guida e luce ai venturi / MDCCCXLIII - MCMXXVI" (Camillo Golgi / outstanding pathologist / of histological science / precursor and master / the secret structure / of the nervous tissue / with strenuous effort / discovered and described / here he worked / here he lives / here he guides and enlightens future scholars / 1843 - 1926).

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (May 2008)

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