This is the native house of the patriot, Cesare Braico, he was born on the 26 October 1816 in Brindisi, his parents were Bartolomeo and Carolina Carnaso. The house is situated in the present Via Ferrante Fornari, at the number 20, (in Braico’s time it was called the Street of the Angels).
In 1893, the municipality of Brindisi decided to place a marble epigraph on front facing of the house, which says:
"Qui a 26 Ottobre 1816 nasceva CESARE BRAICO, olocausto giurato alla libertà della patria sopportò prigionie, esilii, condanne di morte finche' da Marsala schierato fra mille eroi, DUCE GARIBALDI alla ricalcitante Europa impose l'indipendenza d'Italia. La società dei reduci pose a 9 Febbraio MDCCCXCIII."
"Here on the 26 of October 1816 CESARE BRAICO was born, holocaust sworn to the freedom of the country, he endured detentions, exiles, death sentences until from Marsala lined up among the thousand heroes, Commander Garibaldi imposed the Unity of Italy. Placed by The Veteran Society on the 9th February MDCCCXCIII."
- Photos by Anna Amelia Caretto (November 2011)
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