Cesare Ruschi's tombstone

This terragna tombstone of Cesare Ruschi can be seen on the floor of the eastern gallery of the Campo Santo (monumental cemetery) of Pisa. It bears a coat of arms at the bottom within an oval inserted in a quadrangular frame; in the center inscription within a folder and at the top oval with skull and crossbones. The Latin inscription reads as follows: "D(EO) O(PTIME) M(AXIME) / CAESAR RUSCHIUS / IOAN(NNI) BAP(TISTAE) F(…) CIV(I)PIS(ANI) / PHIL(OSOPHIAE) AC MED(ICINAE) DOCT(ORE) / SEPUL(CRUM) HOC SIBI /SUISQ(UE) PON(…) CUR(…) / A(NNO) D(OMINI) / MDCXXII"1.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2023)

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