Cloister of the Medicherie

This cloister of the Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova in Florence "was built between 1418 an 1420 by order of the spedalingo (hospital director) Michele da Fruosino da Panzano. To the right of the Cloister was the men's ward in the middle of which two wards opened up to forma cross"1.


In the cloister, two memorial tablets can be seen: one dedicated to the founder of the hospital Folco Portinari and all the benefactors who followed him.


The second one remembers the difficult work performed by physicians, nurses and other personnel following the 1966 flood which devastated Florence and also part of the hospital.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2023)

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