On a modern brick building of Düsseldorf (Sternstrasse, 33), a bronze plaque donated by alumni of the West German Maxillofacial Clinics in 1989 commemorates the foundation of this private clinics downtown in 1917, where wounded soldiers of WWI with severe injuries of their face were treated. Physical as well as societal rehabilitation were the goals of the charity organization founded by the dentist Christian Bruhn, who published impressive illustrated volumes demonstrating shivered faces before and after surgery and an intensive healing process. Since the establishment of the Medical Academy, this specialty has been incorporated into the faculty.
- Photo retrieved from: https://www.uniklinik-duesseldorf.de/patienten-besucher/klinikeninstitutezentren/klinik-fuer-mund-kiefer-und-plastische-gesichtschirurgie/geschichte-der-klinik
- Locate the item on this Google Map
- Albrecht-Alexander Geister, Zur Geschichte der Westdeutschen Kieferklinik ihre Entstehung und Einbettung in die Düsseldorfer Krankenanstalten und die Medizinische Akademie, Stadtarchiv, Düsseldorf 2004
- Melanie Ruff, Gesichter des Ersten Weltkrieges Alltag, Biografien und Selbstdarstellungen von gesichtsverletzten Soldaten, Steiner, Stuttgart 2015