This collection of terracotta, plaster and ivory models of human reproductive anatomy is on display in the Warren Anatomical Museum in Boston.
"Between 1939 and 1950, Robert Latou Dickinson and artist Abram Belskie collaborated at the The New York Academy of Medicine to create molds and models of human reproductive anatomy for display and teaching aid. In 1945, Dickinson transferred his reproductive anatomy model collection to the Cleveland Health Museum. In 2007 the Health Museum was absorbed into the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and at that time transferred the Dickinson-Belskie collection to the Warren Anatomical Museum"1.
Dickinson-Belskie master model of sectioned abdomen and torso, fifth day postpartum, 1939 2
Dickinson-Belskie framed model of "normal male anatomy", 1945 3
Dickinson-Belskie panel model of gonorrhea in males, 1943 4
Dickinson-Belskie "Birth Prelude" model, 1939-1950 5
Dickinson-Belskie model of the swing of the uterus, circa 1940 6
Dickinson-Belskie framed panel model of female sterilization, 1941 7
Dickinson-Belskie framed model of forms of adult vulvas, 1945 8
Dickinson-Belskie model of Birth Series nine, 1939 9
Dickinson-Belskie model of Birth Series thirteen, 1939 10
- Photos by Luca Ambrosio moc.liamg|sorbma.cul#| (August 2017)
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