Domenico Cirillo's bust

This marble bust of Domenico Cirillo, sculpted by Italian artist Tito Angelini in 1867, can be seen in the courtyard of the Town Hall in Grumo Nevano (via Amendola, 1). On the base there are some inscriptions dictated by an italian politician and patriot, Paolo Emilio Imbriani, on the day of the monument's inauguration.1.

  • Photos and main text by Maddalena Immobile Molaro ti.supmacla|oralomelibommi.m#|, Gaia Pianese ti.supmacla|esenaip.g#| (October 2014)


- Bruno D'Errico, Sosio Capasso, Arturo Armone Caruso, Franco Pezzella, Domenico Cirillo, Istituto di Studi Atellani, Grumo Nevano 1999, pp. 39

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