A gravestone which commemorates Donato Ferrara can be seen on the right side of the chapel of the S.S. Rosario in S. Mauro’s Church in Casoria (Largo San Mauro 1). He was at the beginning of the 17th century, a Prior Doctor (supreme authority) at the Almo Collegio Napoletano1 (one of the most important medicine's schools). Being a Prior meant being a very able talented and powerful Doctor, in fact he was the supreme authority in the field of teaching Medicine; he released the academic degrees for which a royal approval was however needed.2. The Latin inscription states as follows: "DONATUS FERRARA PHYSICUS / CONSUMMATAE PERITIAE MEDICUS / NUPER ALMI COLLEGII NEAPOLI PRIOR / INFIDAM FATI NECESSITATE MENDACE / RERUM HUMANARUM NATURAM / FORTUNAE LUDIBRIA PRESENTIENS / NE P INORDINATU. INCEDERET FINE / HUNC CINERI SUO VIVENS TUMULU / DELEGIT A.S.R MDCXXXVII"
- Photos by Mattia Saldari moc.liamg|iradlas.aittam#| (January 2014)
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- Francesco Montanaro, Amicorum Sanitatis Liber, Istituto di Studi Atellani, Frattamaggiore (NA) 2005, p.25