The reading room of the Duesseldorf Centre for the History of the Neurosciences offers an inspiring archival research place: Seated at the original desk of a Nobelist next to part of his personal library on open stacks, one can study the vast correspondence and files of John Carew Eccles as well as of Cécile and Oskar Vogt. Thus, archives and „libraries of a founder of cytoarchitectonics and the second generation neurophysiologist now sit side by side.“1 Archives of the Vogts' biographer Igor Klatzo and other neuroscientists are available as well. Applications for use are to be sent in advance to either the Vogt Institute for Brain Research or the Department for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, both Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
Lit.: Hans-Joachim Freund, Ulrich Koppitz, Alfons Labisch (eds.), The legacy of John C. Eccles - selected letters (1937-1963) and guide to the archive in Düsseldorf, Shaker, Aachen 2011.
Text: Fabio De Sio & Ulrich Koppitz
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