Emilio Ricci's birthplace

Emilio Ricci was born in Torremaggiore in his family's house. The street used to be called "Strada Panetteria" by villagers. Nowadays its actual name is Via Garibaldi number 761. Nowadays it is inhabited by his nephew and his family.

Emilio Ricci's birthplace (2017)


Emilio Ricci's birthplace (1891)2


  • Photos and main text by Linda Celozzi moc.liamg|izzolecadnil#| and Lorenza Raspa moc.liamg|aznerolsar#| (December 2017)


  • Ricciardelli Pasquale, Emilio Ricci (l'uomo e il poeta), Centro Studi Abruzzesi, Pescara, 1972, pp. 22-25

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