Enrico Fermi's birthplace

The birthplace of Enrico Fermi can be found in Rome (Via Gaeta, 4310). In this house were born Enrico Fermi, at 5 o'clock P.M.on the 29 of September of 1901, his sister Maria and his brother Giulio. In 1908 the family moved to via Principe Umberto 133 in Rome1.

On the facade of the house in 2001 was placed a plaque with an inscription that says in Italian: "IL PIU' ILLUSTRE FISICO ITALIANO / DEL SECOLO XX / ENRICO FERMI / NACQUE IN QUESTA CASA IL / 29 SETTEMBRE 1901 / I SUOI CONCITTADINI / LO RICORDANO / CON AMMIRAZIONE / S.P.Q.R 2001" ("The most noted italian physicist / of XX century / ENRICO FERMI / was born in this house / on 29 september of 1901 / his fellow citizens / remember him / with admiration / S.P.Q.R 2001")

  • Photos by Lorenzo Peretti ti.ecila|itterepoznerol#| (February 2012)

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