Ernst Viktor von Leyden's monument

This beautiful bronze memorial tablet with a bas-relief profile head of Ernst Viktor von Leyden can be found along the pathway which leads from Pontresina to Unterer Schafberg and the Chamanna Segantini. You have to walk about half an hour from the starting point of the chair lift leading to the Alp Languard (look for the indicator signals "Leyden-Denkmal"). The litte bronze sign states: "T.Dirksen / 1912", which are probably the name of the sculptor and the year of inauguration of the monument.

The German inscription reads as follows: "Wie viel schöne Erinnerungen knüpfen sich für mich an das Engadin, an das herrliche von Bergriesen umkränzte Pontresina. Niemals ging ich, ohne in der klaren, spröden Höhenluft Kräftigung für Geist und Körper gefunden zu haben." (I associate so many wonderful memories with the Engadin and with Pontresina, surrounded as it is by towering mountains. I never left without having found strength for body and mind in the clear, thin mountain air)1.


The monument is located a few meters after this electricity pylon.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2015)

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