Étienne-Jules Marey's last home

In 1881 Étienne-Jules Marey moved to this elegant house of Paris (11 Boulevard Delessert) which was relatively close to the Station Physiologique at the Bois de Boulogne. On September 26, 1881, in Marey's new house took place the first European demonstration of the zoopraxiscope of Eadweard Muybridge1. On the following day, the Globe gave this description of the event: "M.Marey, Professor of the College of France, yesterday invited to his new house in the Trocadero, Boulevard Delessert, some foreign and French savants, together with his intimate friend, our director, M.Vilbort. The attraction of the evening consisted of the curious experiments of Mr. Muybridge, an American, of photographing the movements of animated beings"2. The long journey towards the invention of the cinema had started! Marey lived in this house until the year of his death, 1904.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2014)

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