Ferdinando Eustachi's funeral monument

This is part of the original funeral monument of Ferdinando Eustachi who was buried in the church of Santi Apostoli, Rome (Piazza Santi Apostoli, 51) after his death in 1594. Later on, the monument was dismembered and the sculpture, without the original inscription, was reused to build a cenotaph to Michelangelo Buonarroti who had been buried for a few days in this church in 1564, before being transferred to Florence1.

  • Photos by Antonella Di Chirico moc.liamg|ocirihcid.allenotna#| (March 2018)


- N.Crivelli, "Per la rivendicazione del cenotafio di Ferdinando Eustachio esistente in S.S. Apostoli di Roma e dedicato roa a Michelangelo Buonarroti", in N.Crivelli (a cura di), Memorie e documenti riguardanti Bartolomeo Eustachio, pubblicati nel quarto centenario dalla nascita, Prem. Tipografia Sociale, Fabriano 1913, pp. 49-53

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