Filippa Mareri's heart

Filippa Mareri's heart can be seen next to the altar of her burial chapel located in the monastery in Borgo San Pietro.
A miracle happened in 1706 in Borgo San Pietro, that still today arouses admiration and surprise.
Filippa's heart was discovered incorrupt by the competent authorities, though it had remained in a tomb for 470 years.
Medical experts and surgeons claimed the heart to be real and realistic, entirely preserved and not at all altered by the natural state.
Because of that she is considered the heart patients and the cardiologists' protectress.


The latin inscription on the silver reliquary of Filippa Mareri's heart reads as follows:

"Cor S.Philippae Mareri O.S.C".

  • Photos and main text by Gaia De Angelis moc.liamg|8991silegnaed.aiag#| and Greta Mollo moc.duolci|ollom.aterg#| (December 2018)


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