Francesco La Cava

This page lists items in the database related to Italian physician Francesco La Cava (b. Careri, Italy, 26 May 1876; d. Rome, Italy, 25 May 1958).

Francesco La Cava spent his life on the study about tropical diseases. He attended the University of Medicine in Naples and then he came back to his original country to support his family. After his military service in the 1st World War, he was transferred to Rome, where he spent the rest of his life. He is also remembered for recognizing the face of the Italian painter Michelangelo in the fresco "Giudizio Universale" in the Cappella Sistina, Rome.


- La Cava Francesco, Il volto di Michelangelo scoperto nel Giudizio finale: un dramma psicologico in un ritratto simbolico, Edizione Zanichelli, Bologna 1925

- Perri Francesco, Emigranti, Mondadori, Milano 1928, pp. 184-5

- Italiano Giuseppe, La forza della semplicità. Francesco La Cava tra scienza e fede, AGE Arti Grafiche Edizioni, Ardore Marina (RC) 2001

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