Gaetano Lorenzo Monti's funeral tablet
This funeral tablet of Gaetano Lorenzo Monti under a portico a few meters away from the church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Bologna (Via Zamboni, 51/2). Possibly, at his death in 1797 the physician was buried inside the church or nearby, and later on the tablet was displaced where we can now see it. The Latin inscription reads as follows: "HIC SITUS EST / CAIETANUS MONTIUS / PHILOSOPHUS ET MEDICUS / NATURALIUM RERUM / PERSCRUTATOR EXIMIUS / VIR INGENIO ET MEMORIA SINGULARI / DOCTRINARUM PROPE OMNIUM / ERUDITIONE ADMIRABILI / PIUS VIXIT A. LXXXV M. VI D. XXVII / OBIIT IV N. AUG. A. MDCCXCVII"1.
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (December 2016)
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