Gaspare Aselli memorial tablet
This item deserves a more or less simple cleaning up and a bit more of attention by the public.
This item deserves a more or less simple cleaning up and a bit more of attention by the public.

A nice - but not well respected by contemporary people! - marble tablet of Gaspare Aselli can be seen in one of the interior courtyards of the former Ospedale Grande di San Matteo o della Pietà - now a part of the University of Pavia central seat - as one of its many medical monuments and memories.

The tablet remebers Aselli's greatest discovery, the one of "the chylous vessels on 23 July 1622 while carrying out a vivisection of a dog, which had recently eaten"1.

The latin inscription surrounding the graved portrait of the anatomist read as follows: "GASPAR ASELLIUS CIVIS CREMON. ANATOMICUS TICINENSIS OB. A. MDCXXV AET. XLV" (Gaspare Aselli, Cremona's citizen, ticinese anatomist, dead in 1625, 45 years old). Below, an other inscription remembers his main discovery: "INCOGNITAS CHYLI VIAS, PRIMUM DEPREHENDIT" (First in discovering unknown chyle pathways).

  • Photo by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l# | (March 2008)

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