Gentile da Foligno's home

In this house, situated in Foligno (Via Garibaldi, 34), lived until his death in 1348 Gentile da Foligno, who was remembered in the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493) as Subtilissimus rimator verborum Avicenne, "the keenest investigator of Avicenna's teachings".

On the external wall of the home there is a little tablet referring these words: " IN QUESTA CASA / DIMORO' E SI SPENSE IL 18 VI 1348 / GENTILE DA FOLIGNO / PRINCIPE DEI MEDICI / DEL SUO TEMPO. / MCMXL - XVIII E.F." ("In this house / lived and died on 18 VI 1348 / Gentile da Foligno / prince of doctors / of his time. / MCMXL - XVIII E.F.")


  • Photos by Valentina Ugoccioni ti.oohay|inoiccoguanitnelav#| (november 2011)

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