Giambattista Fanales was born in this house in Caltagirone (Via Vittorio Emanuele, 64). Nowadays the house is a private one. Just on the left of the front door, an Italian inscription can be read: "IN QUESTA CASA NEL 1900 NACQUE / GIAMBATTISTA FANALES / TESTIMONIÓ IN TUTTA LA SUA TRAVAGLIATA VITA / DA ANTIFASCISTA AMMINISTRATORE E PARLAMENTARE / L'AMORE PER L'IDEALE DI GIUSTIZIA E DI UGUAGLIANZA / E DA MEDICO LA COMPASSIONE PER L'UMANITÁ SOFFERENTE / MEDICO DEI POVERI / DALLA DITTATURA FASCISTA / CONDANNATO PER SEI ANNI IN CARCERE / CON LA PROIBIZIONE DI ESERCITARE LA PROFESSIONE MEDICA / MORÍ NEL 1970". ("In this house in 1900 was born / Giambattista Fanales/ he testified throughout his troubled life / as an anti-fascist administrator and parlamentarian / the love for justice and equality's ideals / and as a doctor the compassion for suffering humanity / doctor of the poor / by the fascist dictatorship / sentenced to six years in prison / with the prohibition to practice medicine / he died in 1970")."1.
- Photos by Alessia Sallemi (November 2010)
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