Giorgio Baglivi's tomb

When Giorgio Baglivi "died in 1707, aged thirty-nine, probably from the consequences of a severe malarial attack, common in the Roman Campagna"1, he was buried in the church of San Marcello al Corso (Piazza San Marcello, 5), in Rome.

Nowadays, the exact site of his burial is uncertain, but in the second chapel on the right a marble tablet has been placed in 1995 by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in memory of the young and brilliant croatian physician. The italian part of the bilingual inscription reads as follows: "IN QUESTA CHIESA RIPOSA / GIORGIO BAGLIVI / NATO A DUBROVNIK 'RAGUSA' / IN CROAZIA NEL 1668. / ADOTTATO A LECCE NEL 1684. / SOMMO CLINICO. / MASSIMO ESPONENTE DELLA IATROFISICA. / PROFESSORE DI ANATOMIA E DI MEDICINA / TEORICA A "LA SAPIENZA". / ARCHIATRA DI DUE PONTEFICI. / MORTO A ROMA IL 17 GIUGNO 1707. / ACCADEMIA CROATA DELLE SCIENZE E DELLE ARTI, 1995.".

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (May 2008)

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