Giovanni Battista Morgagni
This page lists items in the database related to Giovanni Battista Morgagni (b. Forlì, Italy, 25 February 1682; d. Padua, Italy, 5 December 1771):
- Giovanni Battista Morgagni's bust in Accademia Lancisiana's library, Rome
- Giovanni Battista Morgagni's bust in the Entrance Hall of the Faculté de Médecine in Montpellier
- Pietro Danieletti's monument with a bust of Morgagni in Prato della Valle, Padua
- W.F.Bynum and Helen Bynum, Dictionary of medical biography, Greenwood Press, Westport (CT) 2007, vol. 4, pp. 897-900.
- D.Giordano, Giambattista Morgagni, UTET, Torino 1941, pp. 268.
- F.Zampieri, A.Zanatta, M.Rippa Bonati, Portraits of G.B.Morgagni in Padua's public collections. Medieval and Modern Art Museum, Civic Library and Bottacin Museum, Cleup, Padova 2012, pp. 73.