Giovanni Battista Morgagni's tomb

Giovanni Battista Morgagni died in Padua the 5 December 1771, at the age of 89, and was buried in the little Church of San Massimo (Vicolo San Massimo), a few hundreds meters away from his Padua's home.

On the very wrecked gravestone - in the floor on the right side of the church - only some words can still be read: "SEPULCRUM / MORGAGNI ANATOMICI / ET SUORUM / ITEM GYMNASI[I] PATAV.[INI] PROFESSORUM / SI QUEM UNQ[UAM] [IUV]ERIT HIC CON[DI] / MDC[C]LXX"1. On a modern marble frame these words have been added: "UNIVERSITAS STUDIORUM / EXHORNAVIT / A. D. MCMXXII".

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2008)


- G.Zampieri (a cura di), La Chiesa di San Massimo in Padova Cappella Universitaria. Archeologia Storia Arte attorno alla Chiesa di San Massimo. Risultati della ricognizione scientifica della tomba di Giovan Battista Morgagni e altri interventi, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2012

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