Giovanni Maria Taddei's tomb

The tomb of Giovanni Maria Taddei can be seen along the western gallery of the Campo Santo (monumental cemetery) of Pisa. The Latin inscription reads as follows: "D(EO) O(PTIMO) M(AXIME) / IOHANNIS MARIAE TADDEI PISAN(I) / CIV(IS) MEDICINAEQUAM OMNIBUS AC / CEPTIS L. CONIUX ET FILII TANTO / UNERE MOEREN(…) HIC CONDIVOLUERUNT / OBIIT A(NNO) D(OMINI) MDCCLII XIII KAL(ENDAS) OCT(OBRIS) / AET(ATE)SUAE AN(NOS) LXXIV"1.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2023)

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