Giovanni Ruffo's plaster head
Inside Ruffo's Archive there is a sculpture of the head of Giovanni Ruffo made in plaster by the local artist Rosario La Seta in 1995.
«Aveva un fisico estremamente distinto: capelli ormai canuti, sopracciglia folte, naso "importante", occhi vivissimi e - pro bono - scaltri, grande charme ed equilibrata estroversione.» («He had a very distinguished physicist: hair now gray-haired, bushy eyebrows, "important" nose, vivid eyes and - pro bono - cunning, great charm and balanced extroversion.» (Oscar Sanguinetti)
- Photos and main text by Sergio Serafino ti.supmacla|onifares.oigres#| and Claudia Luciano ti.supmacla|onaicul.aidualc#| (December 2014)
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- Oscar Sanguinetti, Storia e identità, Giovanni Ruffo (1927-2009), Istituto Storico dell’Insorgenza e per l’Identità Nazionale.