Giulio Bizzozzero monument
This marble monument of Giulio Bizzozero can be seen along the main staircase of the Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology of the University of Turin (Corso Raffaello, 30).
Bizzozero is represented in his typical thoughtful attitude under a symbolic medallion. On the basament of the monument we can read the following Italian inscription: "VARESE / 1846 / TORINO / 1901 / A / GIULIO BIZZOZERO / INSIGNE RINNOVATORE DELLE MEDICHE DISCIPLINE / FERVENTE APOSTOLO DI OGNI CIVILE INCREMENTO / CHE SERVI' CON PARI INFATICABILE ZELO / LA SCIENZA E LA PATRIA / NELLA SCUOLA DA LUI ILLUSTRATA / COLLEGHI DISCEPOLI AMMIRATORI / QUESTO RICORDO CONSACRANO".
Bizzozero worked in this Institute from 1892 until his death.
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (June 2010)
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