Giuseppe Oronzo Giannuzzi's memorial tablet
A tablet in the Grammar school "Luca De Samuele Cagnazzi" in Altamura remembers the physiologist Giuseppe Oronzo Giannuzzi and quotes the following Italian words: “QUI / DOVE GIUSEPPE ORONZO GIANNUZZI COL PERSEVERANTE VOLERE / EDUCAVA LA SUA GIOVINEZZA / E SI APPARECCHIAVA AI SEVERI STUDJ / CHE LO FECERO ILLUSTRE NELLA DOTTRINA MEDICA / LA PATRIA SCOLPI' IL NOME DI LUI / A PERENNE INCITAMENTO DELLA GIOVENTU' STUDIOSA / MDCCCLXXVI” (Here / where Giuseppe Oronzo Giannuzzi with persevering will / educated his youth / and approached to strict studies / that made him famous in medical doctrine / the homeland sculpted his name / a perennial incitement of the scholar youth / 1876).
- Photos and main text by Lucrezia Arcari ti.oohay|iracraaizercul#| and Mariateresa Laborante ti.liamtoh|etnarobalaseretairam#| (November 2014)
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