This Giuseppe Rosati's funeral monument can be seen in Foggia's Cathedral (Piazza De Sanctis).
On the marble plate the following Latin inscription can be read:
"Josepho rosato Medico praestantissimo / Qui quum philosophiae matheseos astronomiae geographiae architectionices / Et philologiae fontes reconditos vi ingenii mirifica a prima aetate adiisset / Penitusque deinde exploratos haberet editis in lucem voluminibus non / Modo maximam doctissimi cujusque ex nostratibus exterisque existimationem / Amicitiamque sibi peperit sed universam quoque dauniae juventutem cujus / Exstitit dux semper et hortator ad illa studia persequenda excitavit / Ut quidquid doctrinarum politiorum in ea effloruerit ipsi unice / Referendum sit acceptum ne qua vero re suis defore videretur / Lucubrationes auro contra non caras in apricum protulit ubi- / Colendi agri mediendique viam faciorem monstraret quo ex tot / Latifundiis seges proveniret uberior finiumque regundorum / Controversiae sine dolo malo citiusque dirimerentur religione / Autem animi modestia mofum suavitate observantia in amicos in / Pauperes misericordia diligentia in aegrotos in omnes benevolentia / Singulari fuit planeque admirabili / Amici et cives / Tanti viri de se de patria deque disciplinis / Fere omnibus praeclarissimi meriti / Desiderio moerentissimi p.p. / Vixit an lxi in pace quievit kal sept MDCCCXIV"
An English translation:
"To Giuseppe Rosati, distinguished doctor, who, having approached since the early age, with the prodigious strength of his mind, to the hidden treasures of philosophy, geography, engineering, literature, and having deeply explored them with his publications, not only procured him the most sincere esteem and the affectionate friendship of all Italian and foreign scientists, but also led all Capitanata's youth to nurture the disciplines in which he was guide and spur, so that all the credit of that accurate studies that prospered among them has to be conferred to him. And to give the sensation that he didn't want to forsake his followers in anything, he divulged those researches in order to suggest an easier way to cultivate, so that the crop could grow more luxuriant in lots of estates and quarrels for the regulation of the borders could be settled quickly. He had deep compassion, spiritual balance, sweet manners, respect for friends, generosity for paupers, promptness for the sick, and an extraordinary and really admirable kindness for everyone. Friends and fellow citizens, heartily grieved for the loss of such a notable man, deserving of theirs gratitude, and the Country's and researches' ones, this monument raised. He lived 61 years, he passed away peacefully on 1st September 1814."
- Photos by Francesca Magarò moc.liamg|49mf.acsecnarf#2102|
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