Guido Farina's tomb

Guido Farina was buried in the Municipal cemetery of Albano Laziale. His tomb is located at the center of the cemetery alongside his wife's. The inscription on the grave was dedicated by his wife. It reads as follow:

“QUI/ nella pace dei giusti/ riposa GUIDO FARINA/ d'illustre casata romana/ cittadino onorario di Albano/ chirurgo di fama mondiale/ che visse per gli ideali dell'arte in semplici ed austeri costumi/ appagando il suo animo buono e leale/ negli affetti di famiglia/ nella carità verso I poveri/ evangelicamente curati e soccorsi/ fu schivo di riconoscimenti ed onori/ che altamente meritó per elevatezza d'ingegno/ per probitá disinteresse alacrità/ aspettando ogni premio da Dio/ giusto rimuneratore/ la consorte da lui venerata questa memoria pose.”

"Here/ in heavenly peace/ rests Guido Farina/ from a noble family/ honorary citizen of Albano/ surgeon of great fame/ who lived for the purposes of art in humble and sober habits/ satisfying his good and trustful soul/ with the warmth of his family/ the charity to the poors/ the assistance to the ones in need/ he lived avoiding praises and honours/ which he doubtlessly deserved for the pitch of his wit/ honesty righteousness an industrioussness/ waiting for reward only from God/ fairest Donor/ his wife laid this memory."

  • Photos by Federica Morani moc.liamg|inarom.aciredef#| (January 2014)

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