Guy's Hospital

The Guy's Hospital, in London (St.Thomas Street), was founded in 1721 by Thomas Guy.

"Guy's Hospital was opened in 1721 and from the beginning there was close co-operation with [the then nearby] St Thomas'. It was founded by a governor of St. Thomas', and given the same treasurer (Charles Joye, a person friend of Thomas Guy). Others of the administration staff came from the older hospital, including the steward, formerly a porter of St Thomas'.

Since Guy's Hospital was intended for the incurables and lunatics St Thomas' did not take, there was no spirit of rivalry. The two institutions were recognized as complementary. This closed association extended to the teaching. Students were permitteed to attend the operations and see the practice at both hospitals"1.

But after 1768, a disagreement grew up between the two institutions which eventually separated in 18362.

Today, the two hospitals are again united in the same institution: the Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.

  • Photos by Sarah Rizeq ti.supmacla|qezir.haras#| (January 2010) and Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2011)

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- H.C.Cameron, Mr Guy's Hospital (1726-1948), Longmans, Green & Co., London 1954, pp. 520

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