The former Hospital de São Marcos (St.Mark's Hospital) is a monumental building in Braga (Largo Carlos Amarante).
This Hospital for many centuries was the most important in Braga. It was founded in 1508 by the Archbishop of Braga D. Diogo de Sousa, who greatly promoted the development of the city in various areas. The São Marcos Hospital was under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Braga until 1559, the year in which São Bartolomeu dos Mártires, one of the most important saints and who was Archbishop of the city of Braga between 1559 and 1582, decided to transfer the management of the Hospital to the jurisdiction of the Irmandade da Misericórdia de Braga. In 1974, the Portuguese State took over the Hospital, but recently the Hospital was sold and now there are new facilities, with a new name, in another area of the city.
- Photos by Antonio Miguel Santos (March-May 2023)
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