Istituto Carducci

With the occasion of the centennial of Alessandro Volta's death, from September 11 to 16, 1927, an International Congress of Physics took place in the Carducci Institute in Como (Viale Felice Cavallotti, 5). Twelve of the participants had already received the Nobel Prize; six more would have received it in the following years. Among them, Guglielmo Marconi and Enrico Fermi. Inside the Institute there is a hall, known today as the Nobel Hall, where the names of the Nobel Laureates attending that Congress are depicted in some medallions. On September 16, Niels Bohr "expounded for the fist time in public his concept of complementarity"1. The attendees could also enjoy a visit to preview the new Tempio Voltiano, a few tens of meters away from the Congress' seat.


Some of the participants to the Congress: 1) P. Lazarev, 2) G. Giorgi, 3) F. Rasetti, 4) E. Fermi, 5) Sommerfeld, 6) F. W. Aston, 7) O. M. Corbino, 8 ) E. Rutherford, 9) R. A. Millikan, 10) H. A. Lorentz, 11) M. Brillouin, 12) A. Amerio, 13) R. Brunetti, 14) A. H. Compton, 15) W. L. Bragg, 16) G. Gianfranceschi (alle cui spalle di intravede E. Persico), 17) Q. Majorana, 18) A. Pontremoli, 19) O. W. Richardson.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2015)


- Aldo Gamba, Pierangelo Schiera (a cura di), Fascismo e scienza. Le celebrazioni voltiane e il Congresso internazionale dei Fisici del 1927, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005, pp. 243

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