Jacob Moleschott bust
This bronze bust of Jacob Moleschott can be encountered along the staircase (first floor) of the 'Istituto di Fisiologia Umana' (first photo) in "La Sapienza" University, Rome (Viale Regina Elena, 330).
On the basament, an italian iscription reads as follows: "A / JACOPO MOLESCHOTT / PROFESSORI E STUDENTI / XVI XBRE / MDCCCXCII". (To Jacob Moleschott, professors and students, 16 October 1892).
Probably, the bust was dedicated with the occasion of Moleschott's jubilee, a few months before his death in May 18931.
- Photos by Luca Borghiti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l# | (february 2009)
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