Jeff Weber Rare Books is a specialist antiquarian bookselling firm previously in Los Angeles, now - since 2015 - in Carlsbad, primarily offering books on the history of science and history of medicine from the 15th century to the present. At present (2008), the stock contains about 20,000 books, of which 12,000 are listed on line at bookshop official website. Mr. Weber issues about 10 subject catalogues per year to people interested in bookcollecting, research and the hisotry of their fields.
The firm was started in 1987 after the closure of Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers, Los Angeles, where Mr. Weber worked for ten years. As Mr. Weber says of himself: "Given the challenges of bookselling today, I feel that it is important to offer a wide variety of books to clients, including both inexpensive and important books, as well as some selected new books. I have been fortunate in either representing or buying numerous collections of books over the years. These books are then offered for sale to clients in the catalogues. Visitors are welcome, by appointment. You will find we are close both to downtown Los Angeles, Pasadena, and the Huntington Library. I have exhibited frequently in California bookfairs, Boston, and on rare occasion in Amsterdam, New York, Chicago, and Seattle".
1815 Oak Ave
Carlsbad CA 92008
323 344 9332 business
323 333 4140 cell
e-mail: ten.llebcap|skbrebew#ten.llebcap|skbrebew
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