Important places related to the history of medicine and other health-related subjects in London, England. These places are also visible on this Google Map.
- Great Ormond Street Hospital with related items:
- Guy's Hospital with related items:
- "A Day at Guy's Hospital" by G Earle Wicham
- Arthur Edward Durham's bas-relief
- Astley Paston Cooper's memorial tablet
- Astley Paston Cooper's monument
- Benjamin Guy Babington's bust
- Charles Aston Key's bust
- Charles Hilton Fagge's memorial tablet
- Golding Bird's bust
- John C. W. Lever's bust
- John Fry's memorial plaque
- John Keats memorial plaque
- John Keats monument
- John Zephania Holwell's memorial tablet
- Richard Bright's bust
- Richard Mead's monument
- Shepherd's House School of Nursing
- Temple Bell
- Thomas Addison's bust
- Thomas Guy's funeral monument
- Thomas Guy's monument
- Thomas Turner's bust
- William Babington's bust
- William Babington's monument
- Hans Sloane's bust in The British Museum
- Harley Street with related items:
- Healing window in St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington
- Hodgkin Huxley House (The Physiological Society headquarters)
- Joseph Lister's tomb in Hampstead Cemetery
- Keats House in Hampstead
- Kensal Green Cemetery with related items:
- King's College Hospital with related items:
- Lionel Lockyer's funeral monument in Southwark Cathedral
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with related items:
- Marie Stopes' home in Hampstead
- St Bartholomew's Hospital with related items:
- Bowater John Vernon's memorial tablet
- James Paget's portrait
- John Frederick Jennings' memorial tablet
- "Luther Holden" (1880) by John Everett Millais
- Mary Owen's memorial tablet
- Robert Balthrope's funeral monument
- Stained glass windows commemorating World War II hospital’s dead
- William Hogarth Staircase
- St Bartholomew's Hospital Museum with related items:
- St Mary's Hospital with related items:
- St Paul's Cathedral medical and health-related monuments:
- Alexander Fleming tomb in the crypt
- Astley Paston Cooper monument in the church
- Florence Nightingale's memorial in the crypt
- Gordon Hamilton-Fairley's memorial tablet in the crypt
- Henry Wellcome memorial tablet in the crypt
- Robert Hooke's memorial tablet in the crypt
- William Babington statue in the church
- William Howard Russell's bust in the crypt
- St. Thomas' Church with related items:
- St Thomas' Hospital with related items:
- 1896 nurse's uniform
- Alexis Soyer's army stove
- 'Building Healthy Hospitals' showcase
- "First intraocular lens for cataract" memorial tablet
- First male-student in Nightingale Training School for Nurses
- "Florence Nightingale" (1917) by Arthur George Walker
- Florence Nightingale Museum
- Florence Nightingale's bust by John Steell
- Florence Nightingale's dress
- Florence Nightingale statue
- Frederick Le Gros Clark's bust
- John Simon's bust
- Mary Seacole's monument
- Richard Mead's bust
- Robert Clayton's monument
- Sarah Elizabeth Wardroper's memorial
- The Nightingale Badges
- Theodora Turner's bust
- Turkish lantern of Florence Nightingale
- William Cheselden's bust
- The Royal College of Surgeons of England with related items:
- The Wellcome Building with related items:
- 'Acts of Mercy' by Frederick Cayley Robinson
- Anatomical model of a pregnant woman
- "Anatomy lessons at St.Dunstan's" by Hodgson Lobley (1919)
- Chinese diagnostic dolls
- Henry Wellcome's life mask
- Henry Wellcome's spectacles and card case
- Japanese Acupuncture figure
- Medicine Man
- Obstetrical forceps (c. 1726)
- Wellcome Library
- The Wellcome Museum of the History of Medicine in the Science Museum, with related items:
- Richard Barnett, Mike Jay, Medical London: City of Diseases, City of Cures, Strange Attractor Press, London 2008
- Nick Black, Walking London's Medical History, The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd, London 2006
- Emily Cole (ed.), Lived in London. Blue Plaques and the Stories Behind Them, Yale University Press - English Heritage, 2013, pp. 637
- Neil Snowise, “London’s statues of medical history: four memorable physicians”, Commentary (RCP), June 2019, pp. 24-26
- Neil Snowise, “Celebrating London’s medical history: three statues – and a pub!”, Commentary (RCP), December 2019, pp. 27-29
See also the websites: