Luigi Carlo Farini's memorial
This marble monument to the memory of Luigi Carlo Farini can be seen in the council room of the Town Hall in Russi (Piazza Domenico Antonio Farini, 1). As can be read on the Italian inscription, the 23rd of November 1860 the Municipality of Russi decided to dedicate to Farini, who had just leaded the unification of Emilia-Romagna to the Reign of Sardinia (Reign of Italy from 1861), a street and this monument. The monument was eventually inaugurated the 21st of December 18621. Under a bust of the physician and statesman, a bas-relief represents Farini while handling to King Vittorio Emanuele II the results of the plebiscite for the unification. Below, an Italian inscription celebrates Farini's merits.
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2012), courtesy of Comune di Russi (Public library and Archive).
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