Luigi Galvani's tomb
The remains of Luigi Galvani are preserved - next to those of his wife Lucia Galeazzi - in a lateral chapel of the church of the Corpus Domini, in Bologna (via Tagliapietre, 19).
On the external wall of the church, there is the following inscription: "ENTRO QUESTE MURA / SONO LE OSSA / DI LUIGI GALVANI".
In the same church - famous for containing the incorrupted body of XVth Century saint Catherine de' Vigri - the celebrated woman scientist Laura Bassi is also buried.
Galvani's body had been previously buried in the monumental cemetery of Bologna, "La Certosa"1.
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2008)
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- Giulio Cesare Pupilli, L'umanità del Galvani, Luigi Parma, Bologna 1960, pp. 14