Madrid and its Community
Important places related to the history of medicine and other health-related subjects in Madrid, Spain. These places are also visible on this Google Map.
- Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense with related items:
- Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid with related items:
- Aula de Cajal
- Diego de Argumosa's memorial tablet
- Gran Anfiteatro
- Gregorio Marañon's memorial tablet
- Ivan Pavlov's memorial tablet
- Melchor Sánchez de Toca's memorial tablet
- Pequeño Anfiteatro
- Pedro Lain Entralgo's memorial tablet
- Pequeño Anfiteatro
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's memorial tablet
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's statue
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's statue (replica)
- The Old Library (Biblioteca)
- Manuel Tolosa y Latour's monument in the Parque del Retiro, Madrid
- Museo del Prado with:
- Sacramental de San Justo Cemetery with
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal monument in the "Retiro" Park
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's tomb in the Almudena cemetery
- Spanish Red Cross Headquarters with related items:
Alcalá de Henares
- Francisco Vallés' tomb in the University Chapel of San Ildefonso
- J.Alvarez-Sierra, Los hospitales de Madrid de ayer y de hoy, Artes Graficas Municipales, Madrid 1952, pp. 202