Marcello Malpighi's birthplace

The house where Marcello Malpighi was born no longer exists in Crevalcore (via Muzza Nord, 4522) but in its place a stone with a bronze medallion remembers the scientist. On the ground, partially hidden and destroyed by vegetation, there is a marble tablet with the following italian inscription: "IN QUESTO LUOGO SORGEVA / LA CASA NATALE DI / MARCELLO MAL[P]IGHI / 1628 1694 / MEDICO ECLETTICO / INIZIATORE DELLA / ANA[TO]MIA MICROSCOPICA / IL COMUN[E] DI CREVALCORE / IN OCCASIO[NE] DEL XXV° / CONGRESSO N[AZ]IONAL[E] / DI STORIA DELLA [MEDICINA] / POSE / 19 . 10 . 1971".

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (October 2009)

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